Gosford City Football Club Girl's and Women's Teams



We are very passionate about Girls & Women's football at our club and it has been exciting to see the positive changes happening in our Central Coast Football competition. All girls competitions are now available across our Junior teams and through Youth.
For our Women we have All Age teams as well as the newly introduced Over 35's competition!
For players looking for the highest level of football challenge there is Grade Football - This is either Division 1 or Womens Premier League (club dependent).
Here at Gosford we aim to offer teams in all girls and women's competitions, we are a growing club and look to the futureof female football as an exciting space to be a part of and welcome all new or experienced players to join us!

Women’s football is ramping up in 2024 and we are very proud to be a part of the growth in our highest level of women’s CCF competition. We have a proud history of achievement in Women's Grade Football and we as a club are committed to supporting and growing this highest level for our club and as a competition for all our players on the coast to enjoy!

We are excited to announce our Grade coach for 2024- Dale Reeson. Dale was instrumental in our 2023 season as part of our WAA1 coaching team, and with his coaching experience and being a past Grade player himself as well as undertaking his C License we are confident he’ll be making his mark in this years competition.

“It is an exciting time to be involved in women's football, and with the progress made in growing the women's grade competition, I am looking forward to the challenge of Grade football. I'm proud to be a part of a club like Gosford that values women's football and on the back of the Matildas' outstanding performance at the World Cup we would like to continue that excitement at GCFC!” Dale Reeson

We have limited spots available for players to join this exciting team who are committed and looking towards a competitive season.
As an experienced player or someone looking for your step up into Grade we would like to hear from you.
Contact our Football Manager for Women urgently for your opportunity to trial with our Grade Coach Dale Reeson.
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We are a club committed to supporting and growing female footballers from under 5's through to the highest level, consider being a part of our great club!


GCFC Womens Grade Player ad

Girls Come Try Sessions
For our 2024 competition we will see a number of additions to the competition to further build women's football on the coast. We see the largest growth of girls joining our all girls competitions for our young footballers- some girls just want to play with girls against girls- now we have the teams for these girls! There are so many positives for girls playing in this format, and we are thrilled that they now have this on offer to them and the many more girls we hope to see joining in 2024 and years to come!
We now have Girls comps for:
  • Under 6    (available to girls turning 5 or 6 this year)
  • Under 7
  • Under 9    (available to girls turning 8 or 9 this year)
  • Under 10
  • Under 11
  • Under 12
  • Under 14  (available to girls turning 13 or 14 this year)
  • Under 16  (available to girls turning 15 & 16 this year)
  • Under 18  (available to girls turning 17 & 18 this year)


5-16 years: We encourage girls to join our all girls teams, we are seeing huge benefits for our girls playing in the all girls competitions - but it is the individual players choice if they wish to play in the all girls competion or the mixed competition (boy & girls). We will support our players whatever they choose. Both options are available to you when registering.

18 years: Girls turning 17 or 18 years option is to play in the all girls/womens competition only, this is the age where players are separated into either womens or mens competition. After turning 18 girls move into the All Age womens competition.


When are games played? 

  • Girls only and mixed teams under 5 - 11 years play on Saturdays
  • Girls only 12 - 16 years play on Sundays
  • Mixed 12 - 16 years play on Saturdays
  • Girls under 18 play on Sundays



To register: http://ccf.mycompapp.com

Registration information - Registration - Gosford City FC





Get in contact with the relevant football manager:

5-7 years        Ben Padman           This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

8-9 years        Jesse Mainey          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

10-11 years    Mark Sinclair          This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

12-18 years    Brooke Souter       This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




Our club committee are fully commited to Women's football, we encourage all women to join a team- whether you are a current or returning player, or brand new to the game! Joining a team means football and fitness, as well as community and friendship. We see first hand the benefits of being involved in a team for our players, providing a place for fun, physical health and social wellbeing. 

Many players create their own teams- gathering 14 - 20 players, while there's 11 on the field and 16 allowed on the team sheet each week, we do find that with other life commitments having a larger team helps ensure you have enough players each week. We can also help facilitate players into teams if signing up individually.

All Age Womens competition

Women's all age teams are for anyone over 18 years, and are ranged from grading AA1 to AA7. Gosford City FC are always keen to have new or experienced players join our women's teams, with the games scheduled on Sundays.

Over 35's Womens competition

NEW FOR 2024: For women turning 35 years and up who would prefer to play against those closer to their own age this is now be available, we have seen the success for this in the Mens and we're sure it will be just as popular in the Womens. Games are planned to run on Friday nights, which is a great option for those wanting to keep their weekend free too.


To register: http://ccf.mycompapp.com

Registration information - Registration - Gosford City FC


Need more info or interested in joining?

Please contact our Football Manager Women:

Brooke Souter  email   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


We look forward to having you as part of our community!

Gosford City Football Club


w18 2021



Our club communications are sent out from 'Stack Team App', this is an app which is free for our club to use- which offers us many features and means our messages can get directly to you. We're asking that all parents of players and players please download this app to ensure that you are aware of what is happening this season. 

We are also active on social media, both Facebook and Instagram, but these are more community based  rather than internal club information so it is necessary to be on the 'Stack Team App' so you get everything relevant to you. We do hope to see you on our social media too though!

Below is a quick how to join us on Stack Team App, you can also add it on your phone via the App Store:


Stack team app with barcode


GCFC on Social Media

Connect with GCFC on Facebook   


    GCFC Webpage Facebook 3


Connect with GCFC on Instagram   


     GCFC Webpage Instagram



Our Location

Gavenlock Oval - The Dragons Den Adam Street
Narara NSW 2250
Contact Us Today